Anniversary Celebration Concerts • Yeysk
July, 29 and 30, 2011
On July, 29 and 30, 2011, Yeisk city hosted anniversary celebration concert dedicated to the fifth anniversary since Mikhail I. Chepel, General Manager of the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation was awarded with Honourable citizen of Yeysk and Honourable citizen of Yeysk district titles.
Orthodox Programs in the South of RussiaThe Life-Givting Trinity Chapel • Aleksandrovka townshipChurch in Honour of the Icon of the Mother of God "The Grower of Crops" • Vorontsovka villageSince 2004, the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation has been fulfilling its activity in the south of Russia, in towns and stanitsas of Krasnodar Krai. Programs of the Foundation, such as construction, re-construction and equipping of churches, installation of monuments to orthodox saints and remarkable people, publication of an orthodox newspaper, rendering financial support to educational institutions, organization of photo exhibitions, concerts of classic and pop music, chess master classes, etc., were carried out in Yeysk, Krasnodar, and Novorossiysk cities, Starominskaya, Nikolayevka, Pavlovskaya, Umanskaya, Uspenskaya, Shkurinskaya, Yekaterinovka, Oktyabrskaya villages and other settlements.
Missionary cruise down the North SeawayAugust, 28, – September ,16On August, 28, 2011 with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, Bishop Daniil of Archangelsk and Kholmogory, Bishop Tikhon of Yuzhno-Sakhlinsk and Kuril a new missionary campaign began with assistance of the FSS Boarder Service, the Geography Institute of Russian Academy of Science and the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation.
Iconostasis Installation in the newly built Archangel Michael CathedralArkhangelsk • September, 20, 2011In September of 2011 the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation started works on installation of iconostasis in the Archangel Michael Cathedral which is currently under construction. The project is carried out with the blessing of Bishop Daniil of Arkhangelsk and Kholmogory within programs of the Foundation aimed at helping the Russian Orthodox Church.
is making progress Sergey Moskalkov, a soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre, a soloist and art manager of the Russkaya Opera Theatre, expresses his view of the project participants’ singing. The project is quite unusual for our TV: pop stars rehash classical arias. It aroused mixed feelings among operatic professionals. In general the jury approves of stars’ singing, and professionals who stayed out of the project only criticize them or just laugh. You can find more on this topic at the website of the Russkaya Opera Theatre:
THE RUSSKAYA OPERA THEATRELooking for a Prima Donna Theatrical & Musical ProjectThe Russkaya Opera Theatre presents to public attention a unique theatrical & musical project called Looking for a Prima Donna which is held within OPERA PLUS cycle.
Voyage on Siberia’s rivers• July 2011From June 17th to July 4th, 2011, the delegation of the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Charitable Foundation voyaged the Siberian rivers Ob and Irtysh in the Mekhanik Kalashnikov steam-ship. The action was made within the frameworks of the Slavic Cross Procession program which has been implementing for 7 years under the direction and with the blessing of His Eminence Dimitry, the Archbishop of Tobolsk and Tyumen.
The 'Honor And Valour' All-Russian ActionKhabarovsk • July 8th 2011For many years the Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker Foundation closely co-operates with the Russian Council of Veterans of the Law-Enforcement Bodies and Internal Military Forces. For example, annually, our charitable organization supports the Honour and Valour All-Russian Action, patronazed by the Council of Veterans.
On Charity"Provide yourselves bags which wax not old,
a treasure in the heavens that faileth not,
where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth".The Gospel according to St. Luke (12: 33). Charity as a property of human soul and philanthropy as an aspect of a person's behavior are settled on the religious, primarily, Christian foundation. In the times of theomachism these things were by all means kept close from the Russians, the very idea of philanthropy, in fact, was under a secret ban. Thus, in the four-volume "Russian Explanatory Dictionary", published in 1935-40 under the editorship of the USSR Academy of Sciences corresponding member, D. N. Oushakov, the Charity notion was interpreted as 'rendering material aid to the poor', with the bashful note in brackets - 'archaic'.
There are no translations available. Акафист Святителю Николаю ЧудотворцуКондак 1Возбранный Чудотворче и изрядный угодниче Христов, миру всему источаяй многоценное милости миро, и неисчерпаемое чудес море, восхваляю тя любовию, Святителю Николае: ты же яко имеяй дерзновение ко Господу, от всяких мя бед свободи, да зову ти: